Tracking Nifty IT Index
Current price is close to the real time NAV
Less expense ratio implies better returns over the long term
ETF has not been able to closely match its benchmark returns
ETF has not been able to generate better price return than bank FD
Insufficient Data
Mirae Asset Financial Group is one of the key players in the Asian financial market. Its asset management wing, the Mirae Asset Global Investments, commenced operation in 1997 and has expanded its business globally in a relatively short span of time.
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14 hours ago•Economic Times
16 hours ago•Economic Times
20 hours ago•Economic Times
NAVThe net asset value (NAV) of an ETF is based on the current prices of the stocks/assets in the fund and an actual accounting of the total cash in the fund at the time of calculation. Market price can be different from real time NAV due to late market activity and both tend to converge periodically. A market price close to real time NAV is much better for investment!
Current price is close to the real time NAV